There is a good chance you have looked at your current month’s usage and saw something like this:
Notice the “(prorated minimum)” right below the “Data Imports” invoice item. What does that mean? It simply means that this line item isn’t calculated based on the number of leads you have imported during the current month, but rather on the monthly minimum of the subscription package. Let’s dig in further. Let’s click on “Data Imports” to see exactly what subscription this account is on:
So it is a $0.0015 per import with the $50-a-month minimum. The amount of imported leads in this case (3,126) at the rate of $0.0015 per imported lead yields $4.69. Yet the total is $23.21. How come? If you take that $50 mininum and divide it by 28 (the number of day in the month of February 2022 in our example) you will get $1.79. In this case the current month is at day 13. If you multiply 13 by $1.7 you will get $23.21, which is what the current month’s invoice is showing for item Data Imports.
So put simply, this user has not imported enough data to calculate their total based on the data imports, and the system must instead calculate it based on the minimum amount.