How to set your timezone

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Every date you see in your IntuList account reflects your timezone. Order & list creation dates, lead delivery scheduling, date ranges, cutoff dates, all take into consideration your timezone. Needless to day, this is a very important setting. Here I will show you how to update it.

When you create an account, our system automatically determines your timezone by the IP address you’re signing up from. With over 90% accuracy, that setting rarely needs changed, but occasionally you will need to update it.

Navigate to your Settings page:

Once there, click the “Edit Company Info” button:

A popup will allow you update your company’s information. One of the settings will be Timezone. Set it to whatever timezone you want and click the “Save Company Info” button.

Please keep in mind that once you update your timezone, all the dates in your system will automatically change to reflect the newly saved timezone.
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